Evaluating Your Clearinghouse: Measuring Performance
Our last article, Evaluating Your Clearinghouse: Are You Leaving Money on the Table, focused on...
Our last article, Evaluating Your Clearinghouse: Are You Leaving Money on the Table, focused on...
While often overlooked by healthcare executives, your clearinghouse is arguably the most important...
Over the past two years, strategic planning for healthcare leaders has primarily consisted of...
When it comes to denial management, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach.
With the recent release of the report from HFMA’s Claim Integrity Task Force: Standardizing denial...
As we pointed out in our post we shared on January 12, the future of the hospital business office...
Revenue integrity is a phrase used across many...
Your denials are telling you something. Are you listening?All clearinghouse platforms and EMR’s...
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven several changes within hospital business offices.
From the...
In 2019, the President issued an executive order expanding on previous price transparency measures...