A Case for Outsourcing the Business Office in Critical Access and Rural Health Settings
How is your organization’s business office performing? For many health care leaders in the critical...
How is your organization’s business office performing? For many health care leaders in the critical...
Change is an inevitable part of business. This is especially true In health care. Whether you are...
How well do you know your revenue cycle terminology? Every so often, we update and repost our...
At OS inc. and efficientC, we take our partnership with the organizations we serve very seriously....
Our last article, Evaluating Your Clearinghouse: Are You Leaving Money on the Table, focused on...
While often overlooked by healthcare executives, your clearinghouse is arguably the most important...
Over the past two years, strategic planning for healthcare leaders has primarily consisted of...
It’s probably not news to you that the American workforce has shifted toward remote work...
efficientC's Insights has been recognized by our business intelligence vendor as a top performing...
You have developed two companies over the course of your career: Outsource, Inc., and efficientC....